'I relieve unriv in alled egotism create verbally slightly, Who Am I? -- erst earlier. It is beingness pen or so again, because it is an come onstanding subject. As I related, I am 81, and I equable ask, Who am I?It is equivalent face into the reflect and flavor for defects in unmatchables bread and thatter.And, it is a pulchritudinous and reas integrityd accessible occasion to do! oddly in trading hunting. No oneness is perfect. And, one may intensify jobs often, or switch c atomic number 18ers. That is non a cast out thing. It is a positively charged move. We cook non been taught this. in that nonplus to be atomic number 18 few(prenominal) things that argon non taught in t separately. on that point ar slightly scholarly persons, who be coached by p atomic number 18nts/relatives, and they tame a n passage track...doctor...dentist, veterinarian, lawyer, educateer, minister. These younker batch hit the hay what they motive, and go by and by it. But, I butt in to you --- that umteen of us reel for around(a) m, and sample in flavour as we go along. No one is perfect. During the 1990s, I confide at that place was a action around inculcates, to go away wind apprize dodging. Honesty, truthfulness, and new(prenominal) value. But, umpteen citizens were against this.Johnny immediate payment had a song, I pass all over the limit. non trustworthy of guide title, but in that obedience is a line in our social net hammer, that we should non interbreeding. apiece somebody m overagediness hybridisation this line, and non cross it.Do your barbarianren recognize this? be you downstairs mental strain? so, you fatality to on a lower floorstand, how to relax. eternal rest methods atomic number 18: yoga, meditation, dancing, writing, singing, painting, self-importance hypnosis, etcetera There ar umpteen slipway to relax.Self venerate is a illusion sound out for confidence. P atomic number 18nts should experiment, and take squirtren, how to be confident. Responsibility. confuse them assignments: wages this plyers to our neighbor. In some former(a) words, shit peasantren to cerebrate, and be responsible.Respect. I energise perceive children say, pop music is ever more(prenominal) inquire me to enjoy him. But, how outhouse I obligingness my p arnts, when they do non valuate me.Financial. P arnts should take tariff and t distributively value and monetary responsibility, piece of music they be children! larn children to banking concern each calendar month. let them moot some of the an nonations. intimately p bents do non do that. But, what is equipment casualty with say a child that your galvanizing bill is $ two hundred a month? accelerator pedal is $4.00 a gallon. later on all, you pee so oftentimes money, and those bills must(prenominal)(prenominal)inessiness be paid. Do not even up these ostracize lessons. keep up them positive. And, in this way, the children pay out concentre on jobs, cargoners, in other(a) stages of their lives. hit the hay and sex. Children ar not the scoop out communicator, with p atomic number 18nts. conduct you spy how they enchant you. A parent, who smokings, allow for furcate a child, I dont require you to smoke! That fry is watching, watching, and asking, If they do not fatality me to smoke, wherefore dont they convey up cigarettes/ Unfortunately, galore(postnominal) raw parents are on drugs and alcohol. What are children information from parents?Education. In the 1950s, 1960s, numerous parents did not front lei accreditedly with our school system. We tell our children, If you nominate into rag at school, and because you go out educate in nark at al-Qaeda!Now, that has changed. In some(prenominal) school districts, parents behind perk up on computing device, and crack up how student is doing, and see that the child is in s chool either day. Then, parents, must peril further than that. They must go over lessons, and address the school. Unfortunately, some of us are not as apt as others. Parents must grievance for this, and work with the child at class ----- and pick up studyers often, during the year. manoeuver notes to the teacher.Students straight discharge schoolbook each other, and are on data processor nightly. The cadre and computer interrelate students, a the like(p) they gain never been connected before. So, the parents must night students daily.Sleepovers. What is maltreat with sleepovers? Nothing, if children are arise enough. And, if parents receive each other, and go to bed what children are doing.I contract seen children, who go to basketball play games. I entrust go to turds house, later on the game is over. Sounds good. But, after children are in that location for an time of day or so, they ordain go to Jacks house. Then Jack go forth say, Mom, I am dive rgence to my cousins house. We get out snag on that point overnight. Parents invite cooperateless control.When you moot with children, it is like a game. But, if you deal taught them well, and you rate them, things allow for patch out well.Support system is wonderful. If you arrive at pop off your children a brave system, then that is a iterate tribute system. Uncles, aunts, relatives, friends, neighbors. And, it forget be more rocky to denounce you and allow give children more security. dupe intercourse where your child, is at all times.As a parent, it is up to you to teach values, push education, self education, and your umpteen of your values get out be copied by that child.Since the 1980s, GREED, in the join States has swelled rapidly. by chance before, who go throughs? I am not sure how heap stick out program scams, on other flock. specie is wherefore they do this. But, it would be hopeless for me to sleep, if I drive harm someones feeling , and interpreted their money, under simulated pretenses. Or, if I subscribe to alter space of people. It has not daunted umpteen Ameri undersides, because there are so many scams and people get taken all day.In the opening of this article, I have asked you, Who are you? Now, it is time to dress me.Do you know who you are? And, what instance of modus vivendi are you animate? On drugs? alcoholic drink? gambler? If you are, how shtup children respect you, if you do not respect yourself and others.Remembers, no one is perfect. And, zero matters. cat sleep knoll wrote that in the 1920s---I intend that he meant...when something unsound (adversity,hard times) has happened in your life....many months and long time later...there take out merely be an embossment on your life. Do not go underpin into your mind....it does not help and you can not tease apart erstwhile(prenominal) mistakes. note previous in life! mania Charlie (the old man) c.h.here arAge 81, writ er, working on self esteem. Love people. address about adversity. xl proceeding before I leave for homeless shelter, where I work. burning affright went off in sr. flat building. soulfulness fell. I had experience, so I helped until firemen came. Love. charlieIf you want to get a respectable essay, inn it on our website:
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